
Animal Vaccines

The Necessity of Vaccines amongst Pets

Globally, the ownership of dogs and cats is increasing rapidly, especially in emerging countries. More than half of the population across the world is expected to have a pet at home. Among these, 75, and 93 million dog pet populations are present in China and Europe. On the other hand, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that globally 59,000 deaths are due to rabies every year. Therefore, a vaccine is a biological concoction that boosts immunity to a particular disease. A vaccination often contains a substance that appears like disease-causing bacteria and is frequently manufactured from weaker or deceased variants of the germ. Vaccines activate the body's own immune system, which protects the individual from future illness or disease.


Animal Vaccines-

"Vaccination is a safe, and simple way of protecting yourself against harmful diseases before people come into touch with them," according to the World Health Organization. It boosts your immune system by using your body's natural defenses to generate resistance to specific diseases. Vaccines instruct your immune system to produce antibodies in the same way as it does when susceptible to disease.

Different types of Animal Diseases & their Symptoms-


Anthrax- Affected animals include cattle, deer, sheep, and goats. They typically contract the disease by inhaling anthrax spores.

  • Symptoms – Difficult breathing, collapse, and convulsions before death. Trembling (sometimes), high temperature.

Black Quarter (Black-leg) - A highly deadly bacterial disease that affects sheep, buffaloes, and goats. Young cattle between 6-24 months of age, get affected the most.

  • Symptoms – Rapid pulse and heart rates, fever (106-108 degree F), loss of appetite, and dullness.

Rabies – It is a disease of dogs, foxes, and wolves, and is passed to other animals or to people if they are bitten by an animal with rabies. Rabies germs dwell in the saliva of rabid animals.

  • Symptoms – Stop eating and drinking, changed the aggressive nature of the infected animal, or be totally quiet and do not move, no change in body temperature.

Blue Tongue – It is a disease that is transmitted by midges and infects domestics. Cattle, although are infected more frequently than sheep. The use of contaminated surgical equipment or hypodermic needles are some possibilities of the disease.

  • Symptoms – Eye and nasal discharges, drooling, high body temperature, swelling in mouth, head and neck, hemorrhage under skin, respiratory problem, fever and lethargy.
  • Tetanus – It is a non-febrile, and transmissible illness of animals and humans, characterized by hyperaesthesia and spasmodic tetanus. Tetanus infects numerous animals that are domesticated, but it is most common in horses and lambs.
  • Symptoms – Mild stiffness of limbs, neck, head, and tail, twitching of muscles, unwillingness to move, nostril dilation, & nictitating membrane.

Bovine Babesiosis (Tick Fever) – Bovine babesiosis is a tick-borne disease of cattle. It is handed down from one generation of ticks to another.

  • Symptoms – High fever, dark-colored urine, anorexia, weakness, reluctance to move, and involuntary movement of the limbs.

Types of Animal Vaccines-

Inactivated Vaccines – Inactivated vaccinations employ a killed form of the bacterium that triggers the disease. Inactivated vaccines usually don’t provide immunity that is as strong as live vaccines. Inactivated vaccines protect against-

  • Hepatitis A
  • Flu
  • Polio
  • Rabies

Live-Weakened Vaccines – Live vaccines use a weakened form of the germ that causes diseases. These vaccines are similar to the natural infection I that it creates a long-lasting immune response. Live-Weakened vaccines protect against –

  • Measles
  • Rotavirus
  • Smallpox
  • Chickenpox
  • Yellow Fever

mRNA Vaccines - mRNA vaccines produce proteins in the form of animal protein with the intent to elicit an immune response. This technology was utilized to create portions of the COVID-19 vaccinations. These vaccines do not contain live viruses, hence, no risk to the person getting vaccinated. mRNA vaccines protect against – COVID-19.

Subunit Vaccines – Subunit vaccines consist of specific pieces of the germ such as protein, sugar, or capsid, and give a very strong immune response that targets the key parts of germs. Subunit Vaccines protect against –

  • Haemophilus influenza type b
  • Hepatitis B
  • Human papillomavirus
  • Pneumococcal disease
  • Meningococcal disease

Toxoid Vaccines - Toxoid vaccines are made from inactivated toxic compounds produced by microorganisms. They develop immunity to the components of the germ that bring about sickness rather than the germ itself. Toxoid vaccines protect against-

  • Diphtheria
  • Tetanus

How do Vaccines Work?

Most vaccines contain a weakened or an inactivated form of virus or bacterium. Veterinary vaccines help the animal’s immune system recognizes the antigens as foreign. This activates the immune cells so that they kill the disease-causing virus and make antibodies against it. According to World Health Organization, vaccines contain weakened or inactive parts of a particular organism that triggers an immune response within the body. New vaccines contain the blueprint for producing antigens rather than the antigen itself. Some immunizations require repeated doses, spaced weeks or months apart.

Adverse Consequences and Side Effects of Animal Vaccines –

The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has classified adverse consequences as follows:

  • Vaccine-induced events are events that would not happen in the absence of vaccinations and are attributed to vaccines.
  • Immunization-potentiated reactions are occurrences that could have happened regardless but were triggered by the immunization.
  • Programmatic errors are the events that happen in response to technical errors in vaccine storage, preparation, handling, and administration.
  • Coincidental events are events that happen by chance or as a result of some underlying illness. The use of vaccines is not completely free of risk. Residual virulence and toxicity, allergic responses disease, and harmful effects on the fetus are potential risks associated with the use of vaccines.

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Vishnu Nair

Head- Global Business Development

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