Research Nester Privacy Policy
We, at Research Nester Private Limited, are dedicated to safeguarding the personal credentials and the data provided by our employees, customers, visitors and other users of our company’s website by fulfilling and protecting their rights through our privacy policy.These laws are only limited to our website and are not applicable to any third party websites that you might be able to access from our website. Every website has their own terms of data collection, storage and usage of users’ information, which we do not own or control. We request you to review our policy before you share any information with us. You are demonstrating your consent for the information you share with us by proceeding further to access our website.
Our Commitment to Privacy Laws and Regulations
We are committed to maintaining our users’ confidentiality with utmost sincerity and concern by adhering to the government rules and regulations along with newly implemented GDPR law for data protection and privacy for users in all EU countries effective from 25th May 2018.
Our Compliance with PCI-Data Security Standard
In compliance with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), the necessary security measures are implemented to ensure the safety of the data collected from our users which is saved in our database equipped with standard security measures such as firewalls, secure socket layers (SSL) and encryption. However, the security of our database is not guaranteed as there is no security system that cannot be deciphered despite of the efficiency of the encryption technology. Despite our best efforts, we are not liable of the security of the information that you share with us over the internet or other modes of communication or that of our database in case there is an attempt of any unlawful breach that we do not approve of. Any information that you share with us is at your own risk and in no way will the Company or the personnel affiliated to it be held responsible in case of such unauthorized ‘security breach’ events.
Cookie Statement
To enhance the overall experience of our users, we use cookies based on our customer’s area of interest and preferences via their browser history and to analyze various factors such asthe mostaccessed page and trafficof our site. To make it a worthwhile and time-saving experience for our users,centered on their search patterns, we ask for a permit from our users to place cookies on their computer’s hard drive which is totally on the user’s will to accept or decline.In case, your web browser automatically accepts cookies, you can manually modify the browser settings. This, in no sense, implies for transferring any virus or accessing your personal data and the data that you did not opt to share with us.
DMCA Verified
Our content is DMCA verified and protected. In case of copyright infringement, we own the right to take down what is rightfully ours and the desired action will be taken if found guilty of counterfeiting.
Information We Collect
We collect information based on the input data provided by the customers via our registration portal and online surveys among other online forms that may ask users to provide their name, address, e-mail and phone number along with other similar data, all of which are used to verify the identity, age etc. to provide them with better services or to inform them about the additional information or ongoing offers in our company. None of the information is stored or provided to the third party without user’s affirmative consent. You can easily unsubscribe from our marketing and advertising campaigns lists of members by writing to us
Compromise of Confidential Information
If the personal information is compromised, the customers will be notified of their data breach by the company.
Changes to this Privacy Policy
Keeping in mind the advancement in privacy laws and protection of customer’s personal information, these laws are revised and renewed on atimely basis, the notice of which will be updated on our website, prior to the change. To stay updated with the new policy modifications, if any, we request you to refer to this page on regular basis. If you have any questions contact us at