Размер и доля рынка полимерного песка по продуктам (песок, пыль), применению (патио, пешеходные дорожки, настил у бассейна, тротуары и вспомогательные помещения, парковочные места), конечным пользователям (промышленным, жилым, коммерческим, муниципальным) – глобальное предложение и спрос Анализ, прогнозы роста, статистический отчет на 2025-2037 гг.

  • ID отчета: 4425
  • Дата публикации: Oct 11, 2024
  • Формат отчета: PDF, PPT

Размер мирового рынка, прогноз и основные тенденции на 2025-2037 гг.

The polymer sand market size has exceeded US$ 115.85 billion in 2024 and is likely to exceed US$ 279.8 billion by the end of 2037, growing at a CAGR of over 7.1% during the forecast period, i.e., from 2025 to 2037. In 2025, the polymer sand industry size is estimated to be US$ 122.43 billion.

The growth of the market can be attributed to the increasing adoption rate of polymer sand for various purposes in the construction industry. Thus, the recent expansion of the construction industry is expected to boost the market growth during the forecast period. According to the latest statistics, the total expenditure in the US construction sector was around USD 2 trillion in 2020. Furthermore, the US construction industry contributed approximately 4% to the total GDP in 2021.

The trends in the global polymer sand market such as the rising demand for building construction, supported by rapid growth in urbanization and increasing labor force driving the growth of the construction sector are projected to drive the growth of the polymer sand market during the forecast period. As of 2021, there were nearly 10 million construction workers in the United States, accounting for approximately 8% of the total working population. Polymer sand is mainly used to fill the gaps in concrete, stone, and rock pavers. The increased demand for the construction of pedestrian paths, bike lanes, and walking areas is an important factor that is expected to drive the growth of the global polymer sand market.

Polymeric Sand Market
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Сектор полимерного песка: движущие силы роста и проблемы

Growth Drivers


  • High Investment in Road Construction:  According to recent data, it has been estimated that government spending on highway and street construction in the United States has been steadily increasing over the past decade. In 2012, the public sector spent about US$80 billion on such projects, and in 2021, this amount has increased to about US$100 billion. Urbanization has forced the government to invest heavily in road and highway construction. This trend is expected to subsequently increase the demand for polymer sand, as it is mainly used in the construction of sidewalks and utility areas, as well as roads, airports, and other infrastructure.
  • <ul>
  • Acceleration of real estate market growth.  According to the latest estimates, the revenue of real estate companies worldwide will amount to US$10 billion in 2021.
  • Demand for Building Construction:  Building and infrastructure construction requires paving to provide aesthetic appeal. Thus, the growing demand for construction processes is expected to create lucrative opportunities for the market growth during the forecast period. As of 2020, there were 350,000 industrial buildings and 240,000 military buildings in the US.
  • Rapid growth of the chemical industry.  The global chemical industry generated revenue of approximately US$5 trillion in 2021.



  • High cost of raw materials: The high cost of raw materials is expected to create a problem as it becomes difficult for middle-income households or startups to use polymer sand in various construction processes.
  • Long production cycles
  • Low level of awareness among the population.

Базовый год

2024 год

Прогнозный год

2025-2037 гг.

Среднегодовой темп роста


Размер рынка в базовом году (2024 г.)

115,85 млрд долларов США

Прогнозируемый год Размер рынка (2037 г.)

279,8 млрд долларов США

Региональный охват

  • North America (USA and Canada)
  • Latin America (Mexico, Argentina, rest of Latin America)
  • Asia Pacific (Japan, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, rest of Asia Pacific)
  • Europe (UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, Nordic countries, rest of Europe)
  • Middle East and Africa (Israel, North Africa Persian Gulf, South Africa, rest of Middle East and Africa)

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Сегментация полимерного песка

End User (Industrial, Residential, Commercial, Municipal)

The global polymer sand market is segmented and analyzed for supply and demand by end-use in the industrial, residential, commercial, and municipal sectors. Out of these types of segments, the residential segment is estimated to gain the largest market share during the forecast time frame. The growth of the segment can be attributed to the increase in the number of residential buildings across the globe owing to the growing population and need for housing. It is estimated that there were nearly 100 million single-family homes in the US in 2020. Additionally, there were about 5 million multi-family residential buildings during the same period. Furthermore, the residential segment is projected to gain the highest revenue owing to the increased demand for homes from the population, which is expected to increase the utilization rate of polymer sand in the construction of residential projects. It is estimated that 90% of the buildings in the US were single-family homes in 2020, covering an area of ​​about 200 billion square feet. Additionally, there is a growing popularity of  smart home across the world  , which is expected to fuel the growth of the segment in the market.

Applications (patios, walkways, pool decks, sidewalks and utility areas, parking areas)

The global polymer sand market is also segmented and analyzed for its supply and demand by application in patios, walkways, pool decks, sidewalks and utility areas, parking spaces, etc. Among these segments, the footpath segment is expected to hold a significant share. With the increase in construction of new roads and rejuvenation of old roads, the development of footpaths is also witnessing a steep growth. Polymer sand is widely used in the construction of footpaths, which is expected to further drive the growth of this segment during the forecast period. A footpath is a major part of any road or street. Thus, the growth of the segment is directly linked to the growth in construction of roads, streets, and highways. For example, in India alone, the road network was expected to be around 63,000,000 kilometers in 2019 and this figure is expected to increase in the coming years as the government is focusing significantly on road construction.

Our in-depth analysis of the global market includes the following segments:

<body> <tr> <td>

                   By products

<td> <ul>

  • Polymer sand
  • Polymer dust
  • <tr> <td>

                       By applications

    <td> <ul>
  • Patio
  • Pedestrian paths
  • Pool terrace
  • Sidewalks and utility areas
  • Parking spaces and other
  • <tr> <td>

                        End user

    <td> <ul>
  • Industrial
  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Municipal

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Промышленность полимерного песка - Региональный обзор

North American Market Forecast

The North America polymer sand market is projected to hold the largest market share among all other regions by the end of 2037. The market growth can be primarily attributed to the rapid expansion of the construction industry. This is driven by the presence of leading key market players in the region and the growing demand of the region’s population for new residential and commercial buildings. The US economy employs over 745,000 employers and over 7.6 million employees in the construction industry. Moreover, countries are witnessing the rise in popularity of  smart cities  such as Canada and the US, which is expected to drive the market growth in the region. Additionally, the growing population of North America is expected to increase the demand for building construction. Furthermore, such expansion of construction processes is expected to increase the adoption rate of polymer sand during the period under review. The total US construction spending was US$ 1.3 trillion in 2019. Moreover, during the same period, the construction in the private, public, and commercial sectors in the United States amounted to US$977 billion, US$329 billion, and US$29 billion. In addition, the United States government spends a lot on road construction to improve transportation. For example, the total cost of highway and street construction in the United States is projected to reach approximately US$150 billion by 2026. Therefore, all these factors are expected to increase the market size during the forecast period.

Polymeric Sand Market Size
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Компании, доминирующие на рынке полимерного песка


    • Winnchurch Capital, L.P.
      • Company overview
      • Business strategy
      • Main product offerings
      • Financial indicators
      • Key performance indicators
      • Risk analysis
      • Latest developments
      • Regional presence
      • SWOT analysis
    • <ul>
    • Techniseal Inc.
    • Sable Marco Inc.
    • SRW Products Inc.
    • Alliance Designer Products Inc.
    • Oldcastle APG, Inc.
    • Black Diamond Coatings, Inc.

In the News

<ul> <li>

Black Diamond Coatings, Inc. announced the next generation of DOMINATOR polymer sand. This new product has maximum bond strength and prevents cracking from extreme heat and cold, and is also resistant to water and UV. DOMINATOR polymer sand is based on new ceramic flexibility technology and maximum bond strength.


Wynnchurch Capital, LP has acquired Alliance Designer Products, Inc., a leading manufacturer of polymeric sand and related installation materials used in residential and commercial hardscape projects. The services offered by Alliance Designer Products, Inc. are available in the United States, Canada and other European markets and are headquartered in Mirabel, Quebec.

Авторы отчета:   Rajrani Baghel

  • Report ID: 4425
  • Published Date: Oct 11, 2024
  • Report Format: PDF, PPT

Часто задаваемые вопросы (FAQ)

В 2025 году объем промышленности полимерного песка оценивается в 122,43 миллиарда долларов США.

Объем рынка полимерного песка в 2024 году превысил 115,85 млрд долларов США и к концу 2037 года может превысить 279,8 млрд долларов США, при этом среднегодовой темп роста составит более 7,1% в течение прогнозируемого периода, то есть в период с 2025 по 2037 год. Высокие инвестиции в дорожное строительство и спрос на строительство зданий будут стимулировать рост рынка.

К 2037 году на Северную Америку будет приходиться наибольшая доля отрасли, чему способствуют присутствие ведущих ключевых игроков рынка в регионе и растущий спрос на новые здания для жилого и коммерческого использования со стороны населения региона.

Основными игроками на рынке являются Wynnchurch Capital, L.P., Techniseal Inc., Sable Marco Inc., SRW Products Inc., Alliance Designer Products Inc., Oldcastle APG, Inc., Black Diamond Coatings, Inc.
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