Oil Country Tubular Goods Market Share

  • Report ID: 3234
  • Published Date: Sep 18, 2024
  • Report Format: PDF, PPT

Oil Country Tubular Goods Market Share

Regionally, the global oil country tubular goods market is segmented into five major regions including North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East & Africa region. North America industry is anticipated to account for largest revenue share by 2036, propelled by high demand for crude oil, along with high production of petroleum products, backed by presence of large number of oil reserves in the region.

The oil country tubular goods market in the Middle East and Africa region is estimated to witness notable growth over the forecast period, owing to the large number of oil reserves, increasing international trade of crude oil, along with investment from western countries.

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Author Credits:  Dhruv Bhatia

  • Report ID: 3234
  • Published Date: Sep 18, 2024
  • Report Format: PDF, PPT

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In the year 2024, the industry size of oil country tubular goods is evaluated at USD 23.23 billion.

Oil Country Tubular Goods Market size was over USD 21.93 billion in 2023 and is expected to exceed USD 55.47 billion by the end of 2036, growing at over 7.4% CAGR during the forecast period i.e., between 2024-2036. Growing demand for oil and gas, and increasing production activities in the energy and power industry will propel the market growth.

North America industry is anticipated to account for largest revenue share by 2036, propelled by high demand for crude oil, along with high production of petroleum products, backed by presence of large number of oil reserves in the region.

The major players in the market are JFE Steel Corporation, TMK Group, NOV Inc., United States Steel Corporation, Weatherford International plc, Vallourec, and others.
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