Marktgröße und Marktanteil für chirurgische Rauchabsaugsysteme nach Produkttyp (Filter, Bleistift, Zauberstäbe, Rauchabsauggeräte, Fusionsprodukte, Schläuche, Zubehör); Anwendung (laparoskopische Operationen, orthopädische Operationen, medizinisch-ästhetische Operationen); Modalität (tragbare Evakuierungssysteme, zentralisierte Evakuierungssysteme); Endverbraucher (Krankenhäuser, Kliniken, kommunale Gesundheitsversorgung, Zentrum für kosmetische Chirurgie) – Globale Angebots- und Nachfrageanalyse, Wachstumsprognosen, Statistikbericht 2025–2037

  • Berichts-ID: 2742
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: Jun 28, 2024
  • Berichtsformat: PDF, PPT

Globale Marktgröße, Prognose und Trendhighlights für 2025–2037

Die Marktgröße für chirurgische Rauchabsaugsysteme betrug im Jahr 2024 über 174,08 Millionen US-Dollar und wird bis 2037 voraussichtlich 399,57 Millionen US-Dollar erreichen, was einem jährlichen Wachstum von etwa 6,6 % im Prognosezeitraum, d. h. zwischen 2025 und 2037, entspricht. Im Jahr 2025 wird die Branchengröße chirurgischer Rauchabsaugsysteme auf 183,27 Millionen US-Dollar geschätzt.

A key factor driving the growth of this market is the rise in chronic diseases which is leading to an increase in surgical procedures. The growing aging population, changes in the behavior and lifestyle of people and the migration of more people to urbanization are driving up the obesity rates and cases like diabetes. According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, 340 million people worldwide were obese in 2020 due to lifestyle changes.

Another increasing health concern is related to pandemics such as COVID-19 that are infecting people worldwide. The novel coronavirus is widespread among humans and the infected patients show different symptoms related to organ systems. Moreover, the symptoms suggest that the virus is present in the tissues outside the respiratory system, recommending surgical interventions for the severely affected regions. By April 2023, 80 billion confirmed cases of Covid-19 have been recorded worldwide.

Surgical Smoke Evacuation System Market overview
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Globaler Markt für chirurgische Rauchabzugssysteme: Wachstumstreiber und Herausforderungen

Growth drivers

  • >Increasing cases of chronic diseases and surgical procedures - New healthcare models are emerging to meet and satisfy the growing demand for surgical procedures and chronic diseases. Increasing cases of chronic diseases and surgical procedures are driving the growth of this market. Governments in most economies are increasing their focus on introducing advanced healthcare plans to detect these health conditions at an early stage and avoid future uncertainties. Moreover, the increase in the use of different types of surgeries such as cardiac surgery, cosmetic surgery, and other surgeries are the major factors driving the growth of the global surgical market. In 2020, 12 million surgical procedures were performed in Europe
  • Increasing awareness of the dangers of surgical smoke and improving surgical smoke prevention - There are many disadvantages associated with surgical smoke such as the release of dangerous chemicals into the operating room and obstruction of the surgeon's view. Even though surgical smoke does not cause immediate health hazards, surgeons and personnel should be aware of the long-term health risks. In addition, long-term exposure to surgical smoke appears to increase the risk of lung cancer, pneumonia or asthma. Over 500,000 people in America are exposed to surgical smoke in operating rooms each year, including doctors, nurses, anesthesiologists and technicians. These exposures are cumulative over a person's lifetime. Human papillomavirus (HPV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have become a major health problem due to their increasing prevalence in the general population and because they pose the risk of transmission from patient to surgeon during a surgical procedure. To prevent injuries from surgical smoke inhalation, simple surgical masks and high filtration masks are identified for personal protection. Surgical masks provide more than 85% of protection for the surgeon, staff and patient.
  • Growing technological advancement - Other major drivers include technological advancement and a rise in the number of surgeries related to the elderly population i.e. people aged 65 and above. The associated benefits such as reducing the risk from smoke plumes, intensifying the visibility of laser procedures and reducing buildup on camera lenses are expected to boost the market growth. Studies have revealed that around 53% of surgeries globally were performed in the geriatric population above 65 years of age.
  • >Increasing medical regulations - Medical regulations also require that smoke evacuation devices be present in the operating room. For example, one medical journal stated that data suggests that staff and patients may suffer adverse health effects from exposure to surgical smoke.


  • Lack of clinical evidence to demonstrate the operational effectiveness of products used in surgical procedures - Surgical smoke evacuation systems are known to reduce the exposure of surgeons and patients to gaseous byproducts and harmful chemicals. Many organizations recommend removing surgical smoke using ventilation techniques and engineering controls. However, these surgical smoke devices are still not routinely and consistently used in the performance of surgeries. Despite the known harmful effects of surgical smoke in recent years, scientific opinions and judgments on the dangers of long-term human exposure to these hazards are still limited. This is a key factor limiting the adoption of smoke evacuation systems in hospitals, surgical centers and clinics.
  • Price pressure on important market participants
  • Strict regulatory requirements







Marktgröße im Basisjahr (2024)

174,08 Millionen US-Dollar

Prognosejahr der Marktgröße (2037)

399,57 Millionen US-Dollar

Regionaler Geltungsbereich


  • Nordamerika(USA und Kanada)
  • Lateinamerika(Micthird, Argentinien, übriges Lateinamerika)
  • Asien-Pazifik (Japan, China, Indien, Indonesien, Malaysia, Australien, andere Regionen im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum)
  • Europa(Großbritannien, Deutschland, Frankreich, \u0036
  • Naher Osten und Afrika (Israel, GCC-Nordafrika, Südafrika, Rest des Nahen Ostens und Afrika)

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Global Surgical Smoke Evacuation Systems Market Segmentation


The global surgical smoke evacuation systems market is segmented and by application is divided into laparoscopic surgeries, orthopedic surgeries, medical aesthetic surgeries and others. Of these, the laparoscopic surgeries segment is expected to hold the largest market share by the end of 2035. The growth of this segment is attributed to the increasing presence of obesity, chronic diseases, increasing technological advancements and rising demand for minimally invasive surgeries. Almost three-quarters of people aged 45 to 74 were overweight or obese in 2020 and obesity rates increased from 15% to 28% over the last three decades, according to the study.

The global market is segmented by product type and analyzed into Smoke Evacuation Filters, Smoke Evacuators, Smoke Evacuation Pens & Wands, Smoke Evacuation Fusion Products, Smoke Evacuation Tubing & Accessories. Based on these segments, the smoke evacuation pens & wands segment is estimated to grow at a faster rate during the forecast period. This is attributed to the growing demand in healthcare facilities as it allows staff and physicians to have more direct contact with the surgical site while creating a safer environment by protecting them from harmful pathogens and infectious particles present in surgical smoke.


        By product type

  • filter
  • Pencil and magic wands
  • Smoke extractor
  • Fusion Products
  • Hoses and accessories

        After application

  • Laparoscopic surgery
  •  Orthopaedic practices
  •  Medical
  • Aesthetic surgery
  •  other

        By modality

  • Portable evacuation systems
  • Centralized evacuation systems

        By end user

  • Hospitals
  • Clinics
  • Community health care
  •  Center for Cosmetic Surgery
  • other


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Globaler Markt für chirurgische Rauchabzugssysteme Regionale Zusammenfassung

The smoke evacuation system market in North America is expected to hold the largest market share by the end of 2035. This can be attributed to the large population facing cardiac problems and orthopedic problems along with the rise in cancer cases in the region. In 2020, nearly 2 million cancer cases were recorded in the United States. Moreover, the increase in the number of chronic diseases, increase in laparoscopic surgery and aesthetic procedures such as Botox where surgical laser treatment caused plumes of smoke during surgery, technological advancements brought about by the presence of major market competitors, and regulatory requirements are some major factors driving the growth of the surgical smoke evacuation market in the North American region. The increase in various types of surgeries is also expected to drive the growth of this market during the forecast period. The Aesthetic Society database reported in 2021 that 491,098 liposuction procedures were performed in the United States. Accordingly, the Canadian Centre for Health Information estimated in 2021 that approximately 26,456 appendectomy operations and 21,941 gallbladder removal operations were performed in Canada in 2021 among people aged 18 to 64 years.

The market in Asia Pacific is predicted to grow at a higher rate during the forecast period owing to an increase in healthcare expenditure by the government, improvement in healthcare infrastructure, and rising awareness about diseases. Moreover, the rush of medical tourism in countries such as Thailand, China, and India is expected to drive the growth of the market in the region. Emerging economies such as Japan, India, and China are focusing more on research and development activities in the healthcare industry which are also expected to drive the growth of the smoke evacuation system for surgery in Asia Pacific during the forecast period.

The market in the Europe region is expected to witness notable market growth by the end of 2035. The growth of this market is attributed to the presence of advanced and sophisticated healthcare infrastructure in the region along with availability of technologically advanced products and professionally qualified professionals. Moreover, the prevalence of diseases such as cancer, cardiac problems, orthopedic problems, and chronic diseases is expected to drive the growth of the surgical smoke evacuation systems market in the European region during the forecast period.

Surgical Smoke Evacuation System Market size
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Top-Unternehmen die den globalen Markt für chirurgische Rauchabsaugsysteme dominieren

    • CONMED Corporation 
      • Company Overview
      • Business strategy
      • Key product offerings
      • Financial performance
      • Key performance indicators
      • Risk analysis
      • Recent developments
      • Regional presence
      • SWOT analysis 
    • Olympus
    • Johnson & Johnson
    • Stryker Corporation
    • Ecolab
    • Utah Medical Products
    • Coopersurgical Incorporation
    • Bovie Medical Corporation
    • Medtronic
    • Symmetry Surgical Incorporation .

In the News

  • Johnson & Johnson has partnered with Advances in Surgery (AIS) to make its COVID-19 resources available to Heroic Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) through the J&J Institute ecosystem. In addition, the J&J Institute will continue to offer additional training and live webinars for healthcare professionals to help everyone work as safely as possible.

Autorenangaben:   Radhika Pawar

  • Report ID: 2742
  • Published Date: Jun 28, 2024
  • Report Format: PDF, PPT

Häufig gestellte Fragen (FAQ)

Im Jahr 2025 wird die Branchengröße chirurgischer Rauchabsaugsysteme auf 183,27 Millionen US-Dollar geschätzt.

Die Marktgröße für chirurgische Rauchabsaugsysteme betrug im Jahr 2024 über 174,08 Millionen US-Dollar und soll bis 2037 399,57 Millionen US-Dollar erreichen, was einem jährlichen Wachstum von etwa 6,6 % im Prognosezeitraum, d. h. zwischen 2025 und 2037, entspricht. Steigende Fälle von chirurgischen Eingriffen bei chronischen Erkrankungen werden das Marktwachstum vorantreiben.

Es wird geschätzt, dass die nordamerikanische Industrie bis 2037 den größten Umsatzanteil von 40 % haben wird, gestützt durch die Präsenz einer fortschrittlichen und hochentwickelten Gesundheitsinfrastruktur in der Region.

Die Hauptakteure auf dem Markt sind CONMED Corporation, Olympus, Johnson & Johnson, Stryker Corporation, Ecolab, Utah Medical Products, Coopersurgical Incorporation, Bovie Medical Corporation, Medtronic und Symmetry Surgical Incorporation.

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