How Has a Packaging Company Incorporated a Sustainable Approach to Master Its Ecologically Unfriendly Product?

A packaging company even though being in business for years faces backlash from society owing to environmental concerns because of the packaging products used by the company. The company professionals came to seek help from Research Nester to look for the solution to the problem.

How Has a Packaging Company Incorporated a Sustainable Approach to Master Its Ecologically Unfriendly Product?

An overview:


The company was in the business of packaging for more than a decade. It was one of the most popular among its competitors.


However, it faced a great loss as the product used was not eco-friendly. The driven approach of the government toward ensuring a safe environment became the main reason for the dropping in revenue.


Although the company did everything to gain more profit and stand among its competitors. But, it failed miserably.


This is when the leadership of the company thought to approach Research Nester for expert guidance and a strategic solution for the problem.


Experts from Research Nester looked into the matter and provided them with suggestions and solutions as well for gaining more revenue.


The Story

The packaging company was established more than a decade ago and emerged as a top company just after a few years of its establishment. Even after trying different strategy for many times, the company was facing a loss in revenue. The growing trend of sustainability among people and government became one of the major concerns for the loss of revenue. The company used lots and lots of plastic packaging which was not good from an environmental point of view. Moreover, it is very important to protect the goods inside, hence, product protection during shipment was another issue that resulted in the loss of investment. However, the rising cost of packaging, recognition, and distribution resulted in a loss of investment. The company was facing recognition issues as many new brands launched in the market was having somewhat similarities with the company. This eventually decreases the product’s worth. After many failed attempts to increase the revenue, the company reached out to take help from Research Nester analysts. Experts from Research Nester analyzed the problems and gave their expert advice to the company professionals to help them gain profit in the business.

Our Solution:

The major fault of the company was that they had not paid attention to the packaging products and are not emphasizing the latest trend in the market. They kept on neglecting the environmental issues and guidelines by the government which resulted in them bearing loss. To further emphasize it, Research Nester Consultants provided its customized research consulting services solution and informed the audience about the advantages and potential developments of Molded Pulp Packaging. However, Research Nester consultants then further evaluated and suggested some strategies to overcome this problem. The following strategies were suggested by RNPL analysts-

  • First, go for eco-friendly options such as molded pulp packaging as they are more sustainable.
  • Second, packing of the fragile products should be done accordingly taking into consideration how delicate they are.
  • Third, the company should have its own identity and that should be different from others. The packaging of products should be different from each other.
  • Fourth, the cost of packaging should be taken into consideration. It should be pocket friendly.

The company incorporated all the suggestions given by the experts of Research Nester and achieved their target.



By taking into consideration the suggestions given by analysts of Research Nester, the company made a great profit in the year 2022. The company made USD 4230 Million in 2019. In early 2020, they faced a loss and the revenue was only USD 4400 Million. After facing this huge loss, the company authority took help from Research Nester, and with the help of experts they made a strategy to fight this problem and to bring the company on track. In 2021, after implementing the expert’s advice the profit jumped and reached USD 5100 Million. By the year 2022, the company was able to make a good profit and was doing good. The Research Nester analyst used their experience and expertise to incorporate the best strategy required for the company. They integrated the best strategy which helped the company overcome their loss. Their strategy helped the company to gain its position back in the market.

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Vishnu Nair

Head- Global Business Development

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